Daily Use Sentence Lesson 3 – Hindi to English


If you were looking for Useful Sentences to Improve Your English, then you are at the right place as you will get what you were up to, on this site. 10 Sentences in Hindi to English format, on daily basis will be updated in the series by the Author of the website, Akram Khan. Now, let’s read the lesson “Daily Use Sentence Lesson 3.”

More examples:

Spread the bedsheet on the bed.

Spread a blue bed sheet on the bed.

Please turn on the tap, I have to use water immediately.

Don’t turn on the tap, man.

Turn off the tap quickly.

You can turn off the tap after five minutes.

Come on, make the bed within 2 minutes.

Please make the bed as soon as possible.

See Also | Effective Vocabulary Series

He tried to enter the room walking on the tiptoe.

Can you walk on tiptoe?

He just does not understand the delicacy of the time.

One should always understand the delicacy of the time.

Can you stop prattling, please?

He just never stops prattling.

Don’t mess with that boy.

Never mess with the street guys.

People bask in the sun in winter.

He is basking in the sun after a shower.

What will be the translation of the above sentence in English? Kindly write your answer in the comment section. Do share this post with your friends so that they can learn the daily use sentence (what they knew now before). Thanks forreading this post!

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