Each expression in this post has been shown with meaning followed by an example with a relevant picture. This blog post on “Food Vocabulary” aims to help ESL learners and teachers in order to help improve their English.
01. to be full up
Meaning: to eat to the point that you can no longer eat any more
Example: Sorry, I am full up, I can’t take another slice of pizza.
02. to be starving hungry
Meaning: an exaggerated way of saying you are very hungry
Example: Mom, can you please bring me some food? I am starving hungry.
03. to bolt something down
Meaning: to eat something very quickly
Example: He was so hungry that he bolted whole pizza down in no time.
04. to be dying of hunger
Meaning: an exaggerated way of saying you are very hungry
Example: Seems like I will bedying of hunger soon.
05. to eat a balanced diet
Meaning: to eat the correct types and amounts of food
Example: She started to eat a balanced diet after she gained some extra weight,
06. to eat like a horse
Meaning: to eat a lot
Example: I don’t go to any party with Saquib because he always eats like a horse, and it really makes me feel awkward.
07. to follow a recipe
Meaning: to cook a meal using instructions
Example: My sister is often busy following a recipe in the kitchen.
08. to foot the bill
Meaning: to pay the bill
Example: My friends never let me foot the bill at any restaurant.
09. a fussy eater
Meaning: somebody who has their own very high standards about what to eat
Example: I am not a fussy eater, I can eat anything in home-cooked food.
10. to grab a bite to eat
Meaning: to eat something quickly (when you are in a rush)
Example: In the morning I would grab a bite to eat at the local cafeteria, then head off to school about a mile away.
11. to have a sweet tooth
Meaning: to enjoy sugary food
Example: I always love to have a sweet tooth after my main meal.
12. home-cooked food
Meaning: food cooked at home from individuals ingredients
Example: When it comes to food, there is nothing I like more than eating home-cooked food.
13. the main meal
Meaning: the most important meal of the day
Example: Breakfast is the main meal for me, it gives me sufficient energy to work whole day.
14. to make your mouth water
Meaning: to make you feel very hungry for something
Example: I’m discovering that quality that makes your mouth water, that makes you want another bite.
15. to play with your food
Meaning: to push food around the place to avoid eating it
Example: To let the child play with food for a while without the expectation of eating it can reduce the tension around meal-times.
16. processed food
Meaning: commercially prepared food bought for convenience
Processed food is usually full of salt and sugar.
17. a quick snack
Meaning: to eat a small amount of food between meals
Example: We were really in a hurry so we had to make do with a quick snack atFlora Cafeteria.
18. a ready meal
Meaning: a meal cooked and bought at a shop but taken somewhere else, often home, to be heated and eaten
The store says mutton kabab is their second largest selling ready meal after chicken tikka.
19. a slap-up meal
Meaning: a large meal
Example: I wen’t to a grand party with my family for a slap-up meal.
20. to spoil your appetite
Meaning: to eat something that ill stop you feeling hungry when it’s meal-time
Example: I can’t eat burger too much because I don’t want to spoil my appetite for fine dinner.
21. a take away
Meaning: a cooked meal prepared in a restaurant and eaten at home
Example: I am going to order a pizza for a take away.
22. to tuck into
Meaning: to eat something with pleasure
Example: I tucked into Butter Masala Dosa City Darbar restaurant last night.
23. to wine and dine
Meaning: to entertain someone by treating them to food and drink.
Example: They are likely to be wined and dined in our private box.
24. to work up an appetite
Meaning: to do physical work that leads to you becoming hungry.
Example:I want to go for a walk to work up an appetite for dinner.
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