How to Talk About Various Practitioners – Effective Vocabulary Series #3

How to Talk About Various Practitioners

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Try to answer the below questions before we talk about “Talk About Various Practitioners.”

What practitioner:

  • is a student of human behaviour?
  • follows the techniques devised by Sigmund Freud?
  • straightens teeth?
  • measures vision?
  • grinds lenses?
  • treats minor ailments of the feet?
  • analyzes handwriting?
  • deals with the problem of aging?
  • uses manipulation and massage as curative techniques?

Know the answer? If not, keep reading to learn the terms about “How to Talk About doctors.”

Talk About Various Practitioners

Below are 10 terms about how to talk about different practitioners and their respective fields. Each of the following words has been explained by an idea to make a strong appeal to your understanding. Learn, practice, and improve.

1. Psychologist

  • studies and explains human behavior


By education and training, this practitioner is an expert in the dark mysteries of human behavior-what makes people act as they do, why they have certain feelings, how their personalities were formed-in short, what makes them tick. Such a professional is often employed by industries, schools, and institutions to devise means for keeping workers productive and happy, students well-adjusted, and inmates contented. With a state license, this person may also do private or group therapy.

A psychologist

2. Psychoanalyst

  • delves into the unconcious

worries, fears, conflicts

This practitioner is a physician, psychiatrist, or psychologist who has been specially trained in the techniques devised by Sigmund Freud, encouraging you to delve into that part of your mind called “the unconscious.” By reviewing the experiences, traumas, feelings, and thoughts of your earlier years, you come to a better understanding of your present worries, fears, conflicts, repressions, insecurities, and nervous tensions-thus taking the first step in coping with them. Treatment, consisting largely in listening to and helping you to interpret the meaning of, your free-flowing ideas, is usually given frequent sessions that may well go on for a year or more.

A psychoanalyst

3. Orthodontist

  • straightens teeth


This practitioner is a dentist who has taken postgraduate work in the straightening of teeth.

An Orthodontist

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4. Optometrist

  • measures vision and prescribes glasses


This practitioner measures your vision and prescribes the type of glasses that will give you a new and more accurate view of the world.

An optometrist

5. Optician

  • grinds lenses and sells optical goods


This practitioner grinds lenses according to the specifications prescribed by your optometrist or opthalmologist, and may also deal in other kinds of optical goods.

An optician

6. Osteopath

  • uses either massage and manipulation or other standard medical procedures to treat illness

bones and blood vessels

This practitioner is a member of the profession that originated in 1874 when Andrew T. Still devised a drugless technique of curing diseases by massage and other manipulative procedures, a technique based on the theory that illness may be caused by undue pressure of displaced bones on nerves and blood vessels. Training is equal to that of physicians, and in most states, these practitioners may also use the same methods as and have the full rights and privileges of, medical doctors.

An osteopath

7. Chiropractor

  • manipulates articulations connected to the spinal column

joints and articulations

The basic principle of this practitioner’s work is the maintenance of the structural and functional integrity of the nervous system. Treatment consists of manipulating most of the articulations of the body, especially those connected to the spinal column. Licensed and legally recognized in forty-five states, this professional has pursued academic studies and training that parallel those of the major healing professions.

A chiropractor

8. Podiatrist

  • takes care of the minor ailments of the feet


This practitioner treats minor foot ailments-corns, calluses, bunions, fallen arches, etc., and may perform minor surgery.

A podiatrist

9. Graphologist

  • analyzes handwriting


This practitioner analyzes handwriting to determine character, personality, or aptitudes and is often called upon to verify the authenticity of signatures, written documents, etc.

A graphologist

10. Gerontologist

  • deals with the on-medical problem of aging

getting old

This social scientist deals with the financial, economic, sexual, social, retirement, and other non-medical problems of the elderly.

A gerontologist

Hope this will help when you want to Talk About Various Practitioners

Previous Lesson –

1. How to Talk About Your Personality Types

2. How to Talk About Doctors

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