Collocations with DO – Advanced Vocabulary

Collocation with do

English vocabulary plays an important role in speaking and writing. When it comes to effectively communicate, collocations in English are very crucial. Here in this lesson, we are going to learn some collocations with DO. Learn, practice and improve.

Many collocations with the verb DO

Try to make examples with the given below set of words and use them your speaking and writing.

Here is the list of all the collocations with do.

Do a favor
– Hindi Meaning: एहसान करना
Can you do me afavor.
I will never what you did for me – it’s really a great favor.

Do a course

Do homework

Do assignment

Do a business

Do rsearches

Do an analysis

Do the dishes

More Example Sentences:

I would like to do a favor.

What kind of favor can the leaders do to the people in our locality?

Is there any favor from your side?

I do not need any favor.

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