Cries of Animals and Birds – A to Z

Cries of animals

As we know different animals have different sounds. Here in this lesson, we are gonna list the cries of animals and birds. You can learn them to improve your vocabulary.

Name Cry
Apes Gibber
Asses Bray
Bees Hum
Beetles Drone
Bears Growl
Bitterns Boom
Blackbirds Whistle
Bulls Bellow
Canaries Sing or quaver
Cats Mew, purr, swear, and caterwaul
Calves Bleat and blear
Chaffinches Chirp or pink
Chickens Pip
Cicadae Sing
Cocks Crow
Cows Moo or low
Crows Caw
Cuckoo Cry
Deer Bell
Dogs Bark, bay, howl, and yelp
Doves Coo
Eagles Scream
Falcons Chant
Flies Buzz
Foxes Bark and yelp
Frogs Croak
Geese Crackle and hiss

Grasshoppers Chirp and bitter
Guineafowls Cry
Guineapigs Squeak
Hares Squeak
Hawks Scream
Hens Cackle and cluck
Horses Neigh and whinny
Hyenas Laugh
Jays Chatter
Kittens Mew
Lambs Baa and bleat
Larks Sing
Linnets Chuckle
Lions Roar
Magpies Chatter

Mice Squeak and squeal
Monkeys Chatter and gibber
Owls Hoot and screech
Oxen Low and bellow
Parrots Talk

Peacocks Scream
Pigeons Coo

Pigs Grunt, squeak, and Squeal
Ravens Croak
Red-starts Whistle
Rooks Caw
Screech-owls Screech or shriek
Sheep Baa or bleat
Snakes Hiss
Sparrows Chirps or yelp
Stags Bellow and call
Swallows Twitter
Swans Cry
Thrushes Whistle
Tigers Growl
Turkey-cocks Gobbles
Vultures Scream
White-throats Chirp
Wolves Howl

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