As we know different animals have different sounds. Here in this lesson, we are gonna list the cries of animals and birds. You can learn them to improve your vocabulary.
Name | Cry |
Apes | Gibber |
Asses | Bray |
Bees | Hum |
Beetles | Drone |
Bears | Growl |
Bitterns | Boom |
Blackbirds | Whistle |
Bulls | Bellow |
Canaries | Sing or quaver |
Cats | Mew, purr, swear, and caterwaul |
Calves | Bleat and blear |
Chaffinches | Chirp or pink |
Chickens | Pip |
Cicadae | Sing |
Cocks | Crow |
Cows | Moo or low |
Crows | Caw |
Cuckoo | Cry |
Deer | Bell |
Dogs | Bark, bay, howl, and yelp |
Doves | Coo |
Eagles | Scream |
Falcons | Chant |
Flies | Buzz |
Foxes | Bark and yelp |
Frogs | Croak |
Geese | Crackle and hiss |
Grasshoppers | Chirp and bitter |
Guineafowls | Cry |
Guineapigs | Squeak |
Hares | Squeak |
Hawks | Scream |
Hens | Cackle and cluck |
Horses | Neigh and whinny |
Hyenas | Laugh |
Jays | Chatter |
Kittens | Mew |
Lambs | Baa and bleat |
Larks | Sing |
Linnets | Chuckle |
Lions | Roar |
Magpies | Chatter |
Mice | Squeak and squeal |
Monkeys | Chatter and gibber |
Owls | Hoot and screech |
Oxen | Low and bellow |
Parrots | Talk |
Peacocks | Scream |
Pigeons | Coo |
Pigs | Grunt, squeak, and Squeal |
Ravens | Croak |
Red-starts | Whistle |
Rooks | Caw |
Screech-owls | Screech or shriek |
Sheep | Baa or bleat |
Snakes | Hiss |
Sparrows | Chirps or yelp |
Stags | Bellow and call |
Swallows | |
Swans | Cry |
Thrushes | Whistle |
Tigers | Growl |
Turkey-cocks | Gobbles |
Vultures | Scream |
White-throats | Chirp |
Wolves | Howl |
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