IELTS Vocabulary Environment: Useful Expressions for Speaking

IELTS Vocabulary Environment - Useful Expressions for Speaking

Each expression in this post has been shown with meaning and an example. This blog post on “IELTS Environment Vocabulary” contains a total of 28 useful expressions for speaking and aims to help IELTS students, ESL learners, and teachers improve their English.

1. air quality

Meaning: the cleanliness of the air we breathe

2. to become extinct

to longer exist

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3. to be under threat

to be in danger of becoming extinct

4. climate change

the change in worldwide weather patterns

5. to die out

same meaning as “to become extinct”

6. endangered species

categories of animals or plants that are in danger of extinct

7. energy conservation

the careful management of energy resources to ensure they last as long as possible

8. environmentally friend

behaviour and products that do not the environment

9. exhaust fumes

the toxic gases given off by vehicles powerful by petrol

10. flash floods

floods that happen quickly

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11. fossil fuels

energy resources like gas and oil that are produced deep below the ground over millions of years

12. future generations

the people who live after us

13. to get back to nature

to live a life that is closer to nature

14. global warming

the increasing temperature of the world brought about by gases such as carbon dioxide

15. heavy industry

the manufacturer of heavy articles and materials in large numbers

16. humanitarian aid

the act of showing support to people struggling to survive

17. impact on

the effect on

18. loss of habitat

the decline in areas of land where animals and plants would normally exist

19. man-made disaster

widespread damage or loss of life brought about by the action of humans

20. natural disaster

an event such as an earthquake, flood or hurricane which causes widespread damage or loss of life

21. natural environment

the place where animals and plants would normally be found in nature

22. the natural world

the world of nature

23. oil spill

waste usually deposited in the seas and oceans after an accident at sea

24. poaching

to hunt and kill wild animals illegally

25. pollution levels

the amount of toxic waste

26. pressure group

a group of people who try to raise awareness of issues and try to affect the views and actions of people and organizations

27. toxix waste

poisonous, unwanted rubbish produced by an industrial process

28. wildlife conservation

to protect animals and plants and their habitats

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