Each expression in this post has been shown with meaning and an example. This blog post on “IELTS Physical Appearance Vocabulary” contains a total of 35 useful expressions for speaking and aims to help IELTS students, ESL learners, and teachers improve their English.
1. to bear a striking resemblance
Meaning: to look very similar to
2. cropped hair
very short hair

3. disheveled hair
untidy hair
4. to dress up to the nines
to dress very smartly or glamorously
5. fair hair
light-colored hair
6. to be fair-skinned
7. to get done up
to dress smartly
8. to be getting on a bit
to be getting old
9. to go grey
to have hair that is turning grey
10. to be good looking
to be attractive

11. to grow old gracefully
to act in a way that embraces the fact that you are getting old
12. to be hard of hearing
to find it difficult to hear
13. in his/her 30s/40s
to be 20/30 something
14. scruffy
dressed untidly
15. to look young for your age
to look younger than you are
16. to lose one’s figure
to have a figure that has lost its toned shape
17. complexion
natural skin color and texture
18. make up
19. medium height
average height
20. middle-aged
approximately between 45-65
21. to never have a hair out of place
perfectly styled hair
22. to be overweight
to weigh more than to be regarded as healthy
23. pointed face
the opposite of a round face
24. shoulder-length hair
hair that comes down to the shoulders and no further
25. slender figure
a figure that is tall and slim
26. slim figure
attractively thin
27. thick hair
a lot of hair
28. to wear glasses
to use spectacles
29. to be well-built
to be muscular
30. to be well-turned out
to look smart
31. youthful appearance
to look young
32. corpulent
excessively fat
33. robust
strong, healthy with stamina
34. hefty
big and strong
35. bony
very thin, as though the bones shows through the skin