Difference Between Quiet, Quit & Quite

Meaning the Difference between Quiet, Quit & Quite

The words “quiet,” “quit,” and “quite” look and sound fairly indistinguishable, but their meanings are quite different. As a noun, “quiet” means silent (as in “the quiet of a summer morning”); as an adjective, “quiet” means calm or still (as in “a quiet place to study”); and, as a verb, “quiet” means to make or become quiet (as in, “I tried to quiet the crowd”). The verb “quit” means to free or to leave (as in “He plans to quit her job”). The adverb “quite” means entirely, positively, or to a considerable extent (as in “The questions were quite difficult”).

Pronunciation Difference




How to use quiet

Quiet is used as an adjective in any sentence.

  • All we wanted was a quiet wedding.
  • I can’t find any quiet place to work.
  • This brand new car has a quiet, economical engine.

quiet collocations

Quiet synonymspeaceful, muted, silent, whist
Quiet antonymscomplex, loud, noisy, clamorous



How to use quit

Quit is a verb and is used with a subject or an object in a sentence.

  • You’d better not quit the job at Amazon.
  • If you had to quit the job, why did you sign the agreement?
  • David had lost his parents and had to quit college to raise his two little sisters.

Quit synonymsgive up, surrender, retire, drop out
Quit antonymsallow,  begin, continue, join

How to use quite

It is used as an adverb in the sentence. Generally, there is a helping verb before it and is followed by an adjective in a sentence.

  • The village was quite peaceful.
  • The plot was quite interesting.
  • That’s quite out of the season.
Quite synonymscompletely, fully, entirely, totally
Quite antonymsincompletely, inadequately, partly
Mixed sentences using quiet, quit and quite
  • Sorry man, I can’t quit this job as the condition of my family is quite difficult.
  • The question was quite lengthy so I better understood quit the paper.

As you can see, two different parts of speech have been used in a single sentence to confuse students. These types of sentences are complex to understand.

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