IELTS Linking Words or Connectors or Cohesive Devices | IELTS Writing Task 2

IELTS Linking Words

The connecting words list below is crucial for IELTS writing task 2 for a high score. The examiner needs to see a range of connecting words in your paper to grant you a high score for the measure Coherence and Cohesion which is 25% of your marks. You will be kept an eye on your range, accuracy and flexibility of connecting words in IELTS writing task 2. These connectors are important for expanding  your IELTS vocabulary, and are useful for all types of essay writing as well as GT IELTS writing task 2.

Tip: You can learn them by using them in paragraphs. You should use all the given linking words frequently in your writing in order to achieve a good band score in your IELTS exam.

• Sequence
First or firstly
‣ To initiate with
‣ First of all
‣ In the first place
‣ To begin with
‣ The first
(reason/factor) is
‣ Initially
‣ Next
‣ Afterwards
‣ Then
‣ After this/that
‣ Earlier/later
‣ Following this/that
‣ Finally/lastly
Consequence or showing results
‣ Hence
‣ Thus
‣ Therefore
‣ So
‣ As a result
‣ On this/that account
‣ It follows that
‣ Eventually
‣ Consequently
‣ As a consequence
‣ Thereby
‣ In that case
‣ Admittedly
‣ Also
‣ And
‣ In addition
‣ To add
‣ Moreover
‣ What is more
‣ Furthermore

‣ Likewise

‣ Similarly

‣ As well as

‣ And then

‣ Too

‣ Not only…but

‣ Besides this/that

• Referring or example
‣ For example
‣ Particularly
‣ For instance
‣ Namely
‣ To illustrate
‣ A (good) case in point
‣ In particular
‣ Such as
‣ To exemplify
‣ Just as
‣ That is to say
• Showing similarity or equating
‣ In the same way
‣ Accordingly
‣ Equally important
‣ Similarly
‣ Likewise
• Contrast
‣ However

‣ On the other hand

‣ Rather

‣ On the contrary

‣ But

‣ Otherwise

‣ In spite of

‣ Despite

‣ Though

‣ Although

‣ Even though

• Showing certainty
‣ Of course
‣ Obvious
‣ Undoubtedly
‣ Plainly
‣ Certainly
‣ Unquestionably
‣ Assuredly
‣ Without question
‣ Beyond question
‣ Indisputably
‣ Irrefutably
• Condition
‣ If
‣ Unless
‣ Whether
‣ So that
‣ Provided that
‣ For
‣ Depending on
• Reason
‣ Due to
‣ Owing to
‣ The reason why
‣ Cause
‣ Leads to
‣ As
‣ So
‣ Since
‣ In other words
‣ Due to
• Summary
‣ To conclude
‣ In conclusion
‣ To sum up
‣ In summary
‣ To summarize
‣ Finally
‣ In a nutshell
‣ In short
‣ To recapitulate
‣ All in all
‣ In closing
‣ Lastly
• Expressing time
‣ When
‣ Whenever
‣ Since
‣ Before
‣ After
‣ Ago
‣ Until
‣ Meanwhile
‣ While
‣ As soon as
‣ No sooner than
‣ Just as
• Definition
‣ Means
‣ Consists of
‣ Contains
‣ That is
‣ Refers to

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