Phrasal verbs are ‘multi-word verbs’ in which one word is a verb while the other may be a preposition or adverb. And, today in this lesson, we are going to see 7 phrasal verbs starting with the verb PICK. Make sure to learn to improve your English Speaking.
Phrasal verbs with PICK
Given below is the list of 7 Phrasal Verbs with PICK:
1. Pick out
Meaning: Choose; select
Example: Kelly’s grandmother especially liked her birthday card because Kelly had picked it out himself.
2. Pick up
Meaning: Lift; take-up
Example: Those books don’t belong on the floor. Will you help me pick them up?
3. Pick up
Meaning: Lift; take-up
Example: Of course we can go there together. What time should I pick you up?
4. Pick up
Meaning: Get; buy
Example: The children just drank the last of the milk. could you pick some more up on your way home this evening?
5. Pick up
Meaning: Refresh; revitalize
Example: He was feeling a little tired, so he drank a glass of orange juice. It picked him up enough to finish his work.
6. Pick on
Meaning: Bully; intentionally try to make someone upset
Example: You should be ashamed of teasing your little brother, Tony! Pick on someone your own size.
7. Pitch in
Meaning: Help; join together to accomplish something
Example: We’ll be finished soon if everyone pitches in.

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