Preposition Words with Close: ‘to’, ‘with’, ‘down’ and ‘out’

Preposition words with close

There are a number of preposition words that change the meaning of a phrase when used with a particular word. For example, you can use Close with different prepositions, and you will get a different meaning every time. You can see the examples below:

1. Close to

Close to(adjective)

Example: His farmhouse is very close to the railway station.

2. Close with

‘Close with’ means to shut

Example: She closed the door with a bang.

3. Close down

‘Close down’ means to terminate the operation

Example: David closed down his shop within six months.

4. Close out

Close out’ means to reduce the price

Example: He closed out the price of sugar to increase sales.

See and swipe the given post to see more clearly.

Read the previous lesson ‘Dwell at/in/upon/among’

Phrase with LOOK

Phrase with Break

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