How to Talk About Science and Scientists – Effective Vocabulary Series #4

How to Talk About Science and Scientists - effective vocabulary series

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This is one of the important lessons in the Effective Vocabulary series. first, try to answer the below questions before we Talk About Various Science and scientists.

What scientists:

  • is interested in the development of the human race?
  • is a student of the heaven?
  • explores the physical qualities of the arth?
  • studies all living matter?
  • is a student of plant life?
  • is a students of animal life?
  • is prosfessionally involved in insects?
  • is a student of language?
  • is a student of psycological effect of words?
  • studies the culture, structure, and customs of different societies?

Know the answer? If not, keep reading to learn the terms about “How to Talk About Science and scientists”

Talk About Various Science and Scientists

Below are 10 terms about how to talk about different practitioners and their respective fields. Each of the following words has been explained by an idea to make a strong appeal to your understanding. Learn, practice, and improve.

1. Anthropologist

  • community and family life scientist

wither mankind?

The field is all mankind-how how we developed in mind and body from primitive cultures and early forms.

An anthropologist

2. Astronomer

  • celestial phenomena scientist

what’s above?

The field is heavens and all that’s in them-planets, galaxies, stars, and other universes.

An astronomer

3. Geologist

  • the earth scientist

and what’s below?

The field is a comparatively little and insignificant whirling ball on which we live-the earth. How did our planet come into being, what is it made of, how were its mountains, oceans, rivers,, plains, and valleys around, and what’s down deep if you start digging?

A geologist

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4. Biologist

  • all forms of living matter

what is life?

The field is all living organisms- from the simplest one-celled amoeba to the amazingly complex and mystifying structure we call a human being. Plant or animal, flesh or vegetable, a denizen of water, or air-if it lives and grows, this scientist wants to know more about it.

A Biologist

5. Botanist

  • plant life


Biology classifies life into two great divisions-plant and animal. This scientist’s province is the former category-flowers, trees, shrubs, mosses, marine vegetation. blossoms, fruits, seeds, grasses, and all the rest that make up the plant kingdom.

A Botanist

6. Zoologist

  • animal life

and fauna

Animals of every description, kind, and condition, from birds to bees, fish to fowl, reptiles to humans, are the special area of exploration of this scientist.

A zoologist

7. Entomologist

  • insect forms

and all the little bugs

There are over 650,000 different species of insects, and millions of individuals of every species-and this scientist is interested in every one of them.

An entomologist

8. Philologist

  • language

tower of Babel

This linguistic scientist explores the subtle, intangible, elusive uses of that unique tool that distinguishes human beings from all other forms of life-to wit: language. This person is, in short, a student of linguistics, ancient and modern, primitive and cultured, Chinese, Hebrew, Icelandic, Slavic, Teutonic, and every other kind spoke now or in the past by human beings, not excluding that delightful hodgepodge known as “Pidgin English,” in which a piano is described as “big box, you hit ‘um in teeth, he cries,” and in which Hamlet’s famous quandary, “To be or not to be, that is the question…..,” is translated into “Can do, no can do-how fashion?”

A philologist

9. Semanticist

  • meaning and psychological effects of words

what do you really mean?

This linguistic scientist explored the subtle, intangible, elusive relationship between language and thinking, between meaning and words; and is interested in determining the psychological causes and effects of what people say and write

A semanticist

10. Sociologist

  • community and family life.

who are your friends and neighbors?

This scientist is a student of the ways in which people live together, their family and community structures and customs, their housing, their social relationships, their forms of government, and their layers of caste and class.

A sociologist

Hope this will help when you want to Talk About Science and scientists.

Previous Lesson –

1. How to Talk About Your Personality Types

2. How to Talk About Doctors

3. Talk About Various Practitioners

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