IELTS Vocabulary Words with Meaning | Lesson 56

IELTS Vocabulary Words with Meaning

The lesson covers vocabulary appropriate to the A2 level, and some Advance to basic IELTS vocabulary words, that are very important for you if you are a beginner in IELTS preparation. There are 10 words 10n the lesson “IELTS Vocabulary Words with Meaning – Lesson 56.” Learn, practice, and improve to get a high band score.

IELTS Vocabulary Words with Meaning

Here is the list of 10 words that you can learn today:

1. Obligatory


When an end is lawful and obligatory, the indispensable means to is are also lawful and obligatory

2. Unforeseen


This was a sudden and unforeseen blow.

3. After

Following, next

Pride goeth before, and shame cometh after.

4. Intellectual


Sontag has always been that rarity, a glamorous intellectual.

5. Contemporary


Contemporary accounts attest to his courage and determination.

6. Humble 


 The nobler the more humble

7. Religion


Superstitions are the religion of feeble minds.

Buy the given course to excel in IELTS Vocabulary Words. This course has 1000 IELTS words that you can use in the real test to improve your band score. Good luck with your learning!

8. Impolite


 She ordered that impolite fellow out.

9. Second


Custom is second nature.

Also, see –

IELTS Vocabulary Words Lesson 1

IELTS Vocabulary Words Lesson 2

IELTS Vocabulary Words Lesson 3

IELTS VocabualryWords All Lessons

10. Mobile


 Just then, his mobile phone rang.

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