IELTS Vocabulary Words with Meaning | Lesson 87

IELTS Vocabulary Words with Meaning

The lesson covers vocabulary appropriate to the A2 level, and some Advance to basic IELTS vocabulary words, that are very important for you if you are a beginner in IELTS preparation. There are 10 words 10n the lesson “IELTS Vocabulary Words with Meaning – Lesson 87.” Learn, practice, and improve to get a high band score.

IELTS Vocabulary Words with Meaning

Here is the list of 10 words that you can learn today:

1. Constraints


The government has placed tight constraints on spending this year.

2. Ongoing

In progress

There is an ongoing debate on the issue.

3. Comprises


Each course comprises 10-12 informal weekly meetings.

4. Biodiversity


Biodiversity was the buzzword of the Rio Earth Summit.

5. Intrinsic


The brooch has little intrinsic value.

6. Contradiction


It has been proved beyond contradiction.

7. Confined to


He is confined to bed by illness.

Buy the given course to excel in IELTS Vocabulary Words. This course has 1000 IELTS words that you can use in the real test to improve your band score. Good luck with your learning!

8. Iniative


Initiative 10is doing the right thing without being told. 

9. Domain


Information is power, The information domain is the future battlefield.

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IELTS Vocabulary Words Lesson 1

IELTS Vocabulary Words Lesson 2

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IELTS VocabualryWords All Lessons

10. Forthcoming


He gave me a list of their forthcoming books.

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