A vocabulary of power gives you the ability to condense a highly involved thought into a single word. Taking this thing into consideration, we are going to share with you some useful adjectives that will give you power in both speaking and writing.
Useful Adjectives List
Below are 10 terms in the lesson “Adjectives Give You Power” with their meanings. Each of the following words has been supported by an additional meaning to make a strong appeal to your understanding. Learn, practice, and improve.
1. A plebian
- Outlook on life
Common; coarse; vulgarly ordinary, mediocre, or commonplace
2. Obsequious
- Attentions of the headwaiter
Overcourteous and servile in manner
3. A maudlin
- Motion picture
Made foolish by liquor; tearfully affectionate or sentimental
4. A perfunctory
- Examination by a busy doctor who has very little time for you
Done mechanically and without interest; superficial and careless
5. An abortive
- Attempt to gain his ends
Coming to naught; failing
6. A surreptitious
- Moment on the part of the thief
By secret or stealthy means
7. A presumptuous
- Question to put to the governor
Unduly confident or bold; audacious; arrogant; taking too much for granted
8. The sadistic
- Treatment of the prisoner by ruthless guards
Inclined to cruelty; getting pleasure out of something
He’s maligning everyone.
9. A flagrant
- Misuse of company funds
Openly, glaringly wrong, or scandalous
10. An inane
- Remark
Senseless; silly; empty
Hope this will help when you while you are trying to add some advanced adjectives to your vocabulary.
Previous Lesson –
1. How to Talk About Your Personality Types
2. How to Talk About Doctors
3. Talk About Various Practitioners
4. Talk About Science & Scientists
5 . French Phrases to Use in Speaking
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